With the Xfinity app you can pay your current bill, view your current and previous statements, manage your saved payments, and more.
Pay your Xfinity bill
- Tap the Account tab.
- Locate your Xfinity Plan billing card.
- Tap Make a Payment.
- You may be required to sign in again.
- Note: If you already have automatic payments scheduled and would like to make an early payment, tap Make early payment.
- Select the payment amount, the date you'd like to pay and the payment method.
- Note: If your account is currently delinquent, you'll see an option to set up a payment arrangement for the specific amount needed to restore or prevent interruption of your service.
- If you choose New credit/debit card, go to step 5.
- If you choose New bank account, skip to step 9.
- Notes:
- Payments with Apple Pay can’t be scheduled for a future date.
- If you try to schedule a future payment for Apple Pay, you'll receive an error.
- For more information, see Paying your bill using Apple Pay.
- Payments with Apple Pay can’t be scheduled for a future date.
- If using a new credit or debit card, enter your card information and the billing address you want to use.
- You have the option to Store this card for future payments.
- Note: Entering this information using the app will also update your Stored Payment Methods on payments.xfinity.com/methods.
- If your credit or debit card is about to expire, we'll send you an email reminding you to update your payment method.
- If using a new bank account, select Checking account or Savings account.
- Enter the account holder's Name on account, Bank account number and Routing number.
- Enter the account holder's Name on account, Bank account number and Routing number.
- If you need assistance with the routing number or account number, select the Help icon next to that item.
- If you want to store your payment information, select Store this account for future use, then select Next.
- Notes:
- When you use the app again, you’ll have the option to choose a stored payment method or add a new one.
- This will also be saved for making payments on payments.xfinity.com/methods.
- Notes:
- Verify the amount you'd like to pay and click Submit Payment.
- If you make a duplicate payment, you'll see the following message:
- "Unable to Process Payment. It looks like you are attempting to make a duplicate payment. You have to wait 24 hours before making another payment of the same amount using the same payment method."
- Tap OK to confirm.
- Notes: If you’d like to make two payments of the same amount on the same day, you can do so as long as you use two different payment methods for each.
- Otherwise, your second payment will be rejected as a duplicate.
- "Unable to Process Payment. It looks like you are attempting to make a duplicate payment. You have to wait 24 hours before making another payment of the same amount using the same payment method."
- Once your payment is successfully processed, you'll see a confirmation.
View additional billing information
Aside from paying your bill, you can also view the following information on the Billing screen:- Current statement
- Statement history
- Upcoming payments
- Transaction history
Pay your Xfinity Mobile bill
- Tap the Account tab.
- Tap on the Mobile billing card to display the billing details for your Xfinity Mobile service.
- If you’d like to make an early payment, tap Make an Early Payment.
- You may be required to sign in again.
- Select the payment amount and tap Proceed to Payment Method.
View additional Xfinity Mobile billing information
Aside from paying your Xfinity Mobile bill, you can also view the following information on the Billing screen:- Upcoming payments
- Current statement
- Statement history
- Current cycle
- Transaction history