Learn how to send a notification to your phone when your Xfinity Camera or Xfinity Video Doorbell detects motion or when someone rings your video doorbell.
Note: Motion Notifications are available to anyone with an eligible camera or video doorbell. Doorbell Ring Notifications are available to anyone with an eligible video doorbell. Both features are only available in the Xfinity app.
Understand Motion Notifications
Motion Notifications send a notification to your phone each time your Xfinity Camera or Xfinity Video Doorbell detects motion. You can turn notifications on or off for any or all of your cameras and you can specify the type of activity that triggers a notification.
To expand the camera thumbnail, press and hold the notification (iOS) or press the notification with two fingers (Android).
Tap the alert to open your camera’s live view.
Turn Motion Notifications on or off
- Grant permission for the Xfinity app to send notifications in your phone’s settings, if necessary.
- Sign in to the Xfinity app.
- Select the Security tab.
- Scroll down to the desired camera or video doorbell and select the camera thumbnail.
- On the camera screen, select the gear icon on the upper-right.
- Select Notifications.
- Select the On/Off switch to turn on notifications.
- Select which events you’d like to trigger a notification.
- People or All Events for Xfinity Cameras.
- Deliveries, People, Deliveries and People, or All Events for Xfinity Video Doorbells.
Multiple cameras or video doorbells? Repeat these steps to turn on notifications for each device.
Too many notifications? Learn how to limit motion detection to a customized area in your camera view to reduce the number of unnecessary motion notifications.
Understand Doorbell Ring Notifications
Doorbell Ring Notifications send a notification to your phone each time your Xfinity Video Doorbell is pressed. Doorbell Ring Notifications are On by default. You can turn notifications on or off for each video doorbell individually.
To expand the camera thumbnail, press and hold the notification on iOS devices or press the notification with two fingers on Android devices.
Tap the alert to open your video doorbell's live view. From there, you can select Talk to communicate with anyone that’s at your door.
Turn Doorbell Ring Notifications on or off
- Grant permission for the Xfinity app to send notifications in your phone’s settings, if necessary.
- Sign in to the Xfinity app.
- Select the Security tab.
- Scroll down to the desired video doorbell and select the camera thumbnail.
- On the camera screen, select the gear icon on the upper-right.
- In the Notifications section, toggle the Doorbell Ring setting On/Off.
Multiple video doorbells? Repeat these steps to change notification settings for each device.