To help you manage your email, messages in the Xfinity Email inbox will have one of several different icons next to them.
Xfinity Email icons
Solid envelope
- You haven't read this message yet.
- Unread mail is also listed in bold text.
White, open envelope with a blue outline
- You have read this message.
Curved arrow pointing to the right
- You've forwarded the message to someone else.
Curved arrow pointing to the left
- You've replied to the message.
The Xfinity Verified Email symbol
- You've received a message from a Comcast/Xfinity source, such as:
- Bill pay reminders.
- Your account.
- Security updates.
- Newsletters.
- This icon verifies the authenticity and origin of the Comcast/Xfinity email you receive.
- For more information, read about logos in the email interface.
Show or hide folders
To display folders other than your inbox, click Show Folders in the bottom left-corner. You'll see folders such as Drafts, Sent messages, Spam and Trash.
Click Hide Folders to return to an inbox-only view.